Surviving an Endurance Event
June 28, 2016

Surviving a 60-Hour Endurance Event with Ryan Michler

30-mile mountain hikes under a 35-pound ruck, 60 hours of work with 4 hours of sleep, swimming with leaches, pushing hay bales through waist-high muddy swamps, eating worms, surviving in the wilderness, and so much more. Sounds like my kind of weekend!

Today my good friend, Larry Hagner interview me and gets all the details of my 60-hour Spartan Agoge Event.

[quote cite='Ryan Michler' align='none']"I'm teaching my kids that we do hard things - that we don't back down when life gets tough." Tweet That[/quote]

Ryan Michler

Ryan MichlerRyan Michler, a financial advisor by trade, started Order of Man with the goal of assisting men across the world become better leaders in their families, their businesses, and their communities.

He now hosts a top-rated podcast and blog teaching men how to improve their relationships, their wealth, their health, and their lives.

Ryan spent much of his early life without a permanent father figure and was left to learn how to be a man on his own. Through his experience in sports and his time in the military (including an active-duty tour in Iraq), he has been able to improve in every area of his life and is now on a mission to help other men do the same.

He believes that most, if not all, of the world's biggest problems could be solved if males everywhere learned how to be better husbands, fathers, friends, and leaders. He's on a mission to help all men become the men they were meant to be.

[quote cite='Ryan Michler' align='none']"When you DECIDE, you can take on more than you ever thought possible." Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights and What You'll Learn

      • Why I agreed to compete in a 60-hour endurance event
      • Why having a strong 'why' is an absolute must in life
      • How to push past the point of no return
      • The tricks your mind will employ to get you to quit
      • How to ensure you've given it your all
      • The hardest step and how to overcome it

[quote cite='Ryan Michler' align='none']"For me, it wasn't about the event itself - it was about becoming a better man." Tweet That[/quote]


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Connect with Ryan Michler

[quote cite='Ryan Michler' align='none']"Move to a group of peers who support you in your endeavors." Tweet That[/quote]


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