Own the Day, Own Your Life
February 27, 2018

154: Own the Day, Own Your Life | Aubrey Marcus

So many of us focus on the end result - some noble goal we wish to pursue. And, while there's value in knowing where you're going, my guest today makes the case for measuring your successes in the smallest unit of measurement possible.

Most of you know Aubrey Marcus, founder of Onnit. He is back again to talk about how he has managed to build so much success in his life. Today, we talk about the key to starting your day off right, the benefits of unconventional training, napping, supplements, weird lunches, and how to own the day and own your life.

[quote cite='Aubrey Marcus' align='none']"The day is the basic indivisible unit of our life. It's all about the day." Tweet That[/quote]

Aubrey Marcus

Aubrey MarcusI've got a repeat guest for you today and one most of you know.

His name is Aubrey Marcus and he is the founder of Onnit, which specializes in food, supplements, equipment, and apparel.

The more I get to know this guy, the more I'm intrigued about how he produces results in his life and the interesting and sometimes strange way in which he experiments with everything that he can.

He's a multi-sport athlete, a philosopher, a podcaster, a business owner, and author, and somewhat of a scientist when it comes to achieving total human optimization in his own life and the millions of people he's working hard to inspire.

[quote cite='Aubrey Marcus' align='none']"The only way to tackle real transformation is to look at that indivisible unit and ask 'how can I level up that one day?'" Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights

  • Why focusing on the smallest unit of measurement is critical
  • The key to starting the day correctly
  • The power of hydrating, breathing, and freezing
  • Where and how supplements come into play
  • Utilizing drive time to your advantage
  • How eating a weird lunch will serve you so well
  • How to be more effecient through utilizing daily napping
  • The benefits of unconvential physical training
  • How to turn your life into an experimentation
  • Building a powerful environment to attract powerful people
  • How to own your life rather than it owning you

[quote cite='Aubrey Marcus' align='none']"You have to forgive the past and realize you deserve to be the type of person that can change, that can be that individual that you want to be." Tweet That[/quote]

Own the Day, Own Your Life


By now, you've heard me talk about our 3 1/2 day experience in the mountains of Southern Utah. But the question remains, have you signed up yet? This will be our third Uprising experience and it's designed to push and test you on every facet of life.

As of this recording we have less than 10 spots remaining and we'd be honored to have you out. But not only that, this will literally transform your life. We all are a collection of our thoughts, behaviors, patterns, and experiences and, if you have any hope of producing a new type of result in your life, you're going to have to create new experiences.

At the Uprising, we'll be doing physical challenges, team competitions, survival training, medical training, and so much more all designed to give you a new frame of reference for succeeding in your life.

If you're interested in learning more, head to www.orderofman.com/uprising. See you there.

[quote cite='Aubrey Marcus' align='none']"If I'm scared - not because of actual danger but it's something that frightens be - then that's a great sign that I need to move towards that thing." Tweet That[/quote]

Connect with Aubrey Marcus

[quote cite='Aubrey Marcus' align='none']"Resistence is just a part of this experience. In life the resitence typically comes from within." Tweet That[/quote]


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