100 Deadly Survival Skills
February 14, 2017

100: 100 Deadly Survival Skills | Clint Emerson

Unfortunately, in society today, your ability to survive has become more important than it ever has. Whether you're dealing with an active-shooter, a natural disaster, or a medical emergency, your likelihood of having to think on your feet will likely become a reality.

And, as my guest, Navy SEAL Clint Emerson says, "the wrong place at the wrong time has now become any place at any time." Today he shares some common survival threats, the importance of self-rescue and self-reliance, the four D's of home defense, and how to develop your own threat personal protocol on this, our 100th interview episode.

[quote cite='Clint Emerson' align='none']"There's only two outcomes in a survival situation. You'll either survive or not." Tweet That[/quote]

Clint Emerson

Clint EmersonGentlemen, I am honored to be introducing you to my guest today, Navy SEAL and New York Times Bestselling author, Clint Emerson.

This marks the second time Clint will be on our show and, since our first conversation was such a hit, I thought I'd invite Clint back on the show to talk about his latest book, 100 Deadly Survival Skills: Survival Edition.

As a said before, Clint served as a Navy SEAL for twenty years including an attachment to SEAL Team Six and the NSA so you know he's qualified to talk about some of the information we get into today.

Clint also runs his company, Escape the Wolf, which is geared towards helping businesses deal with a crisis. In fact, he and his team also ran some security training and consulting for President Trump's inauguration.

Guys, you're really going to enjoy what Clint has to share and walk away with some very actionable strategies you can use should you find yourself in a crisis situation.

[quote cite='Clint Emerson' align='none']"The adage 'the wrong place at the wrong time,' has become 'any place and any time.'" Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights

  • Common survival threats
  • Traditional and social media's role in the threats we face
  • Three types of threats every man should pay attention to
  • The importance of self-rescue and self-reliance
  • How to develop your own personal protocol
  • How to avoid letting survial preparation from consuming your life
  • Common habits to incorporate
  • The four D's of home defense
  • How to keep your emotions in check during a threat

[quote cite='Clint Emerson' align='none']"Each individual has a responsibility to vet the information they read and see." Tweet That[/quote]

100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition

The Uprising

Gentlemen, another quick reminder to tell you about our live experience, The Uprising, coming on on April 27th-30th, 2017.

It's fitting I talk with you about it this week as some of the skills my guest is talking about today we'll be learning at our 3 1/2 experience in the mountains of Southern Utah.

Make sure you register this week because we are going to sell out. I believe we have 3 spots left. You can learn a more about what you're going to be getting yourself into at www.orderofman.com/uprising.

But, in the meantime, know that this experience is designed to test you, it's designed to push you, and it's designed to help you break free from the mediocrity you may find yourself in whether that's your relationships, your business, your health, and every other area of life.

You're going to be shooting, running through tactical scenarios, working out in some breath-taking outdoor locations, and you're going to be leading and competing with 24 other brothers all on the same mission as you - to become the best men possible.

And, you're going to be learning from Navy SEALs, survival experts, and entrepreneurs all designed to help you walk away with some actionable tools, strategies, and skills so that you can be a better protector, provider, and presider over yourself, your family, and the people you care about.

Again, head to www.orderofman.com/uprising to claim your spot. And, do it quickly because we are going to sell out soon. Again, that's www.orderofman.com/uprising.

[quote cite='Clint Emerson' align='none']"Pay attention to the people who are paying attention to you." Tweet That[/quote]

Connect with Clint Emerson

[quote cite='Clint Emerson' align='none']"It's much better to have your decision made before crisis than to making it during a crisis." Tweet That[/quote]


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