Self Made Man Feature Image
September 15, 2015

OoM 026: Becoming a Self Made Man with Mike Dillard

Ryan Michler: Family Man, Business Owner, Founder of Order of Man

OoM 026: Becoming a Self Made Man with Mike Dillard

Ryan Michler: Family Man, Business Owner, Founder of Order of Man         Ryan Michler: Family Man, Business Owner, Founder of Order of Man        
OoM 026: Becoming a Self Made Man with Mike Dillard           OoM 026: Becoming a Self Made Man with Mike Dillard          
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    A real man is a strong man, one who has identified his core values and has mastered himself.

    However, with the environment changing so fast around us, it's hard to keep up let alone remain a beacon of stability and strength in the lives of those you love.

    This week, I talk with Mike Dillard from Self Made Man about the most powerful point of leverage a man can use, how to increase the value you provide to the world, and how you can finally become a self made man.

    [quote cite='Mike Dillard' align='none']"I wanted to give men a platform that will give young men access to mentors and leaders." Tweet That[/quote]

    Meet Mike Dillard

    Mike Dillard

    Mike Dillard is an entrepreneur. He built his first million-dollar business by the age of 27, teaching small business owners how to effectively market their products and services online using “attraction-marketing” strategies.

    In 2010 he founded a financial education company in order to teach others how to achieve financial freedom through investment strategies commonly reserved for the wealthy.

    Combined, his businesses have produced more than $50 Million in revenue without outside funding.

    Today Mike dedicates his time to mentoring other entrepreneurs, and developing technologies in the aeroponics industry that will give people around the world access to clean, healthy, organic food at a fraction of today’s current prices.

    You can find him blogging and podcasting at

    [quote cite='Mike Dillard' align='none']"Taking control of your financial destiny is one of the biggest points of leverage you can pursue." Tweet That[/quote]

    What You'll Be Learning

    • How best to change the course and values of an entire nation
    • The most powerful point of leverage a man can pursue
    • Why physical fitness is the first step in your success
    • How to keep disciplined with your goals, habits, and actions
    • How the technology will change the world and what to do about it
    • How to increase the value you provide in the world
    • Skill sets that all successful people have
    • How to balance your life and decide what gets your attention
    • A simple way to run your calendar

    [quote cite='Mike Dillard' align='none']"The amount of money you're making today is a reflection of the amount of value you're providing to society." Tweet That[/quote]

    Links Mentioned

    [quote cite='Mike Dillard' align='none']"You need to be very aware of the type of stimulus you're allowing into your life on a daily basis." Tweet That[/quote]

    Connect with Mike Dillard


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