Work, Don't Whine
July 3, 2018

172: Work, and Don't Whine | Brandon Lilly

Every man, at some point, will lose his way. It's not really a question of "if" but a question of "when." When that day comes, the way you decided to face that adversity will spell the difference in you overcoming or succumbing.

My guest today, powerlifter Brandon Lilly, is a man who has faced his fair share of obstacles but refuses to quit and always charges forward. We talk about the power of saying "no," why nothing ends with a period, how to develop more confidence, overcoming the need to be seen, and why every man ought to consider adopting the mantra, "Work, Don't Whine."

[quote cite='Brandon Lilly' align='none']"I've always worked. I've always enjoyed it. And, I've never shied away from it." Tweet That[/quote]

Brandon Lilly

Brandon LillyMy guest today is my friend, Brandon Lilly. A lot of you know who this man is but if you don't, I'm not sure how you've missed him.

He's one of the biggest men I know and certainly one of the strongest. He is ranked as one of the strongest powerlifters and consistently lifts more than 2,000lbs combined in the deadlift, squat and bench press.

He's worked with and consulted SEAL Teams, University of Kentucky Football, the Bengals, and numerous other organizations and Crossfit gyms around the country.

But on top of all that, he's a man who is extremely humble in failure and victory (you'll hear some of those stories today). Today he's going to be talking about overcoming some of his trials and why he's adopted "Work, Don't Whine" as his mantra.

[quote cite='Brandon Lilly' align='none']"When I am bored, I am self-destructive." Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights

  • Why working without whining is so powerful
  • How to say "no"
  • Why problems scale and how to avoid that
  • Why nothing ends with a "period"
  • Finding the middle ground and why it's so important
  • Why the way we do things matters
  • How to develop and build more confidence
  • Overcoming the need to be seen
  • How ego and arrogance are hurting you
  • The power of integrity and telling the truth

[quote cite='Brandon Lilly' align='none']"Everybody I've ever looked up to and respected has shit going on in their lives. They've just found an operating system for their life that allows them to maintain a high level of positivity in spite of that negativity." Tweet That[/quote]


Gents, by now you know all about Order of Man Legacy. This is our inaugural Father/Son event and it's one you will not want to miss.

There is a real lack of connection (and, it's only getting worse) between the current generation and next. One of my favorite quotes on the subject of masculinity and manliness is "If boys don't learn, men won't know." That's why it's critical that we, as men, pass down our knowledge to the boys who need to know and learn what it means to be a man.

On September 20-23, 2018, we're having 20 fathers and sons come to southern Utah to test themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally in an experience designed to forge new bonds between you and your sons, teach both of you the skills you need to learn to help your boy become a man, and give you the framework for success of the rest of his life.

Act quickly. We only have 7 spots left. You can learn more and claim your seat at www.orderofman.com/legacy.

[quote cite='Brandon Lilly' align='none']"I had to figure out a way to shift all my value back into myself because I realized my richness revolved around my family, my friends, and travel for pleasure rather than just work." Tweet That[/quote]

Connect with Brandon Lilly

[quote cite='Brandon Lilly' align='none']"I feel I have a responsibility to my father, to my grandfather, and to myself to be a man of honor, integrity, and value so my son can learn and do better than I did." Tweet That[/quote]


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