Ryan Michler: Family Man, Business Owner, Founder of Order of Man
149: Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurship
Everyone these days wants to be an entrepreneur and while I applaud their desire to go out and create something from nothing, too many men are in it for the wrong reason.
Today, I'm joined by my friend and founder of Origin USA to talk about the meaning of entrepreneurship. This one is unlike a lot of the podcast you see on entrepreneurship where you'll hear the ten tactics every entrepreneur needs to know. We go deep into why entrepreneurship is so important, why you should and shouldn't go into business for yourself, why vision is so critical, ethical responsibilities and obligations, and why creating a business without compromise is so critical.
[quote cite='Pete Roberts' align='none']"More important to me than entrepreneurship is just doing something." Tweet That[/quote]
Gentlemen, today I am joined my my friend, entrepreneur, and founder of Origin USA, Mr. Pete Roberts.
I came across what Pete was doing through Jocko (who is Pete's partner) and was immediately inspired by his story and message behind him and his company, Origin.
This man is not just an entrepreneur but someone who has meaning and significance about the work he's doing to bring manufacturing back to his hometown and create a product that is entirely made in the US, without compromise.
More than anything, today you're going to hear why he does what he does, where his idea of vision, ingenuity, and discipline come from and how the notion of business ownership ties into our responsibility as men to protect, provide, and preside in our homes, our businesses, and our communities.
Again, this isn't a checklist-type interview of everything an entrepreneur should know and do but a conversation about ideas, responsibility, and creativity. Listen to the stories and the message Pete has to share, implement it, and I guarantee you'll live a more fulfilled life and help those you come in contact with along the way do the same.
[quote cite='Pete Roberts' align='none']"I knew right out of high school I was going to have my own business because I saw freedom in owning a business." Tweet That[/quote]
[quote cite='Pete Roberts' align='none']"Technology has taken the talent and the customer and merged the two through this conduit of the internet." Tweet That[/quote]
As most of you know by now, we're very close to the launch of my first book, Sovereignty: The Battle for the Hearts and Minds of Men (February 1st, 2018) and I could not be more proud of the way it turned out. From the exterior cover to the interior layout to the message and words used, this is a book that will impact millions of men across the planet.
I wrote it from personal experience in living my life without the control we are all born with. We, as men, have given away so much of our power in the form of lies, excuses, and rationalizations designed to keep us safe and comfortable.
This book is about reclaiming that power and sovereignty by stripping away the lies we tell ourselves and adhering to a code of 13 virtues designed to help a man wrestle back ultimate ownership in his life.
If you're interested in downloading the introductory chapter for free and being notified when the book is available, head to www.orderofman.com/book.
[quote cite='Pete Roberts' align='none']"The only reason to get into business is because you want to do more in life than what you're able to get with your current job." Tweet That[/quote]
[quote cite='Pete Roberts' align='none']"Greed will kill a man." Tweet That[/quote]
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