Finances is such a huge component of living your life to the fullest. But in my experience, it's often one of the most overlooked. Not because men don't believe it's not important but because it's often complex and challenging to get your money to work for you.
One of the most commonly asked questions I get is, "What book would you recommend for personal finances?" Although there's a ton to choose from, there hasn't been one that I consistently feel good about recommending. That is until now. My friend, Deacon Hayes, the author of You Can Retire Early joins me to talk about developing a personal financial plan, how to sift through all the financial noise, three investment vehicles to consider (including a quick conversation on Cryptocurrency), and how you too can retire early.
[quote cite='Deacon Hayes' align='none']"Retirement is about having the financial resources to do what you want when you want to." Tweet That[/quote]
Today, my guest is personal finance blogger and author Deacon Hayes. I actually met Deacon years ago when I launched my first podcast many of you don't even know about.
We've since had the opportunity to talk about blogging, podcasting, and of course money (which is something we're both passionate about).
Deacon has been featured in Yahoo Finance, US News, Investopedia, CNN Money, and many more and has recently wrote a book, You Can Retire Early.
You're going to hear in this conversation why Deacon is well-qualified to talk about money and finances and learn through his approach that the financial conversations and planning needed aren't really as complex as many institutions would have you believe. Get the note pads and your dusty old financial plans out and learn how you can retire early.
[quote cite='Deacon Hayes' align='none']"Financial independence is about unlocking the ability to focus on doing what you love and make money in the process." Tweet That[/quote]
[quote cite='Deacon Hayes' align='none']"I wouldn't be where I am if it weren't for other people pouring time, money, and resources into my success." Tweet That[/quote]
I can't even begin to describe how powerful having a track to run on can be. I know it's easy to think we can go at it alone and figure everything out without the help of others.
And, it may actually work....for a little while. But, if you're looking for something new out of your life, finding a track and a system that's been proven to work is critical. This is where the Iron Council comes in. This is our exclusive brotherhood where we give you that track to run on and show you the tools and systems hundreds of men have used to build more wealth, enhance their relationships, and improve their health.
And, just because you have a system, don't think we're going to do it all for you. We're simply giving you the tools and, armed with those tools, we'll teach you how to take charge of your own life.
If you're interested in joining with 330 other men who are on the same track as you, head to to learn more and lock in your seat at the table.
[quote cite='Deacon Hayes' align='none']"It's not the money, it's how can I serve others with my gifts, talents, and abilities." Tweet That[/quote]
[quote cite='Deacon Hayes' align='none']"We're not looking to live on shoe string budget the rest of our lives. We're looking to set ourselves up to have choices and freedom." Tweet That[/quote]
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