No Excuses, No Barriers
July 11, 2017

No Excuses, No Barriers | Erik Weihenmayer

So many of us are so good at making excuses. We've been doing it for so long, it's hard for us to recognize what is truth and what stories we tell ourselves that keep us from having what we truly want.

Today, my guest, Erik Weihenmayer, talks with me about climbing the seven tallest peaks on each of the seven continents and kayaking 277 miles down the Colorado River. Oh yeah, did I mention he's blind? Today, we talk about identifying barriers, attracting great people in your life, using the concept of alchemy as a powerful tool in your life, and how to crush your excuses once and for all.

[quote cite='Erik Weihenmayer' align='none']"All of us are born with internal light and drive." Tweet That[/quote]

Erik Weihenmayer

Gentlemen, today I have the honor of introducing you to one of the most inspiring men I've ever had the privilege of talking with.

His name is Erik Weihenmayer and I first was introduced to him years ago at a conference I attended for my financial planning business.

At the time, he shared stories of how he lost his ability to see at the age of 13. And, more importantly, how he had overcome that obstacle and became the first man to, not only climb, Mt. Everest but the tallest mountain on each of the seven continents.

Since then, and more recently, Erik kayaked the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon - roughly  270 miles.

I'm telling you, this guy is something special. I knew it when I heard him speak years ago and I'm honored to have the privilege of talking with him today.

[quote cite='Erik Weihenmayer' align='none']"Cynicism pours down around our brains like prison bars." Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights

  • How to identify and crush your barriers
  • How to attract great people into your life
  • How to develope vision
  • How to overcome living a reactionary life
  • How to get out of the prison we create for ourselves
  • How to use the concept of alchemy to your advantage
  • The value of an "open heart policy"
  • The value of a "rope team"
  • How to overcome the myth of "good enough"
  • Why we blame and make excuses in our lives

[quote cite='Erik Weihenmayer' align='none']"If your vision is strong enough, people notice that and want to be part of it." Tweet That[/quote]

No Barriers

[quote cite='Erik Weihenmayer' align='none']"To go forward, sometimes you have to go backwards." Tweet That[/quote]

The Iron Council

Gentlemen, just a quick pause to talk with you about our elite brotherhood, The Iron Council. If you're not already familiar with what we're up to inside The Council, this is a digital band of brothers who are all working to become the best possible versions of themselves.

Each month, we cover a different topic (this month we're talking about family relationships), complete challenges, work our planning tool, The Twelve-Week Battle Plan, hold each other accountable, and generally share all the tools, knowledge, and resources we need to succeed in our families, our businesses, and our lives.

Society would have you believe that you need to go at it alone. That couldn't be further from the truth. The reality is that men have a better chance at success when they surround themselves with high-achieving men. And, that, is what we've created inside The Iron Council.

If you're interested in learning more and claiming your seat at the table, you can do so at www.orderofman.com/ironcouncil.

[quote cite='Erik Weihenmayer' align='none']"[Life] is a great journey if you have the courage to ride the storm." Tweet That[/quote]

Connect with Erik Weihenmayer


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