Strength and Power in Kettlebell Training
September 6, 2016

Strength and Power in Kettlebell Training with Jon Mills

The kettlebell - you've heard of it. Perhaps you've even used it a little. But, I bet you have no idea how versatile these things can actually be.

My guest today, Master Kettlebell Instructor, Jon Mills, talks with me about the good, the bad, and the ugly behind the big hunk of metal we can a kettlebell. We talk about the benefits, the movements, the pitfalls, and how you can use kettlebells to up your exercise regimen.

[quote cite='Jon Mills' align='none']"Like anything in life, when things are hard to learn, they're the most rewarding when you get to the end goal." Tweet That[/quote]

Jon Mills

Jon MillJon Mills is a strength and conditioning coach and master kettlebell instructor based in Canada.

With a competitive swimming and soccer background, 10+ years coaching experience in the fitness industry, and a BS in Sports Science, Jon has helped hundreds of clients from all walks of life build stronger bodies and minds.

At 37, Jon won his debut natural Men’s Physique competition and a pro card. He documented the contest prep process to dispel fitness myths and show what it takes to win without sacrificing your health which can be found at www.peakphysiquefilm.com

[quote cite='Jon Mills' align='none']"You've got to keep pushing the envelope and taking yourself out of your comfort zone." Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights and What You'll Learn

  • The benefits of working out with kettlebells
  • How to train correctly without injuring yourself
  • How to target specific areas of your body
  • How fitness has the power to change your life
  • The strength in having an accountability coach
  • How to overcome the fear of failure
  • The first place to get started with kettlebells
  • Pitfalls to avoid with kettlebells, exercise, and nutrition

[quote cite='Jon Mills' align='none']"Anywhere on the the road to succeeding, you're going to fail . It's all about how you bounce back." Tweet That[/quote]


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[quote cite='Jon Mills' align='none']"We're not AUTOMATICALLY good at things. We have to GET GOOD at things." Tweet That[/quote]

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